Friday 25 January 2013

Reflection .. finally starting to understand this whole blog thing !

Now that I am slowly starting to figure out this blog thing, I can now enjoy it a little more. I had another great night in class last night! The part I found most interesting was when we looked deeper into those 26 skills. I know realize why some of my physical education teachers made me do some of the things we did in phys.ed. Like Brooke and Bailey mentioned they remembered tossing the basketball against the wall and that instantly brought me back to the gym in grade seven. I did the exact same thing. The scariest part for me is teaching something I do not understand or cannot do myself... the backwards roll. I don't feel confident enough yet to teach that to a student when I can not even teach myself. Especially a movement like that as there are definant safety risks. In other subjects you can find all of the information on line but I feel phys.ed you need to be able to practice the movement skill to better teach your students. I hope to learn in this class how to successfully do a backwards roll !


My favourite part of this class is actually getting to participate in the activities. This is how I learn best and I feel many students are the same. There were two activities that stuck out to me.

The first was when we were doing the tag/ warm up (with the foam fingers) activity and were spread all around the gym; we had to do push ups, sit ups, running, etc. The greatest part and something I didn't realize until after was that you didn't have the pressure of someone watching you. Everyone was busy doing their own thing that it really did not matter that I couldn't do a push up. This is an excellent idea for kids as many struggle with self-esteem and don't feel comfortable being physically active in front of their peers. I will defiantly be using this strategy in my future classroom.

Second, when our class was split into two and one team was in the "out field" and three players from the other team threw Frisbees at the opposing team. I liked this because it would be a great way for the teacher to assess who understands and could complete the task as three students went at a time. You could use a ball, Frisbee, etc. to have the students practice different movement skills.

So far in this class I have learnt so many useful activities to help my students learn and improve on their movement skills. I plan on using these activities in my future classrooms and look forward to learning more!

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Picture !


" The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book." - unknown
"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about." - unknown
"Teaching is the profession that teaches all other professions." - unknown