Wednesday 13 March 2013

Ten minute run for grade two's?

I have been so busy with being in the classroom that I kind of forgot about blogging...opps! I am having an amazing time with the grade twos and am going to have a tough time coming back to the university. Children have such a special joy that they bring everyday and I have been way happier spending time with them this week.

My teaching partner and I went to phys.ed today. The grade two's participated in a ten minute run! I am curious what you all think! Do you think a 10 minute run is appropriate for grade two children? What is it teaching them? Are they grasping the concepts?

Hope everyone is enjoying their three week block!


  1. Glad you are having a great time Karissa!! I am not sure where that fits into the curriculum or if it does at all. It seems like a lot of running for grade 2's to me. Brian would probably be able to say whether that is appropriate or not. I remember doing running in grade 9 and some students couldn't even run that long (which wasn't a good thing).

  2. I guess I would first want to know what the purpose or intent of the run was. By no means does it state that students in grade two need to run for ten minutes. That would be an expectation at a grade six level. If the intent of the activity was to teach exertion and heart rate then perhaps it is valid. There is nothing wrong with kids that age running for 10 minutes for sure but again what was the purpose of it?

    My niece is now in grade two and will be running the 3k at the QCM again this fall.

    Great conversation for sure.

  3. In our school they run a six day cycle and at the end of that cycle both grade two classes get together and they will either play games, do circuits which work on skill development and then the ten minute run and they alternate between these three activities. Before they begin to run they pair up with someone and while one partner runs the other counts laps. They record the laps on a sheet of paper and the teacher keeps them! So I guess I am not really sure what the purpose is.
